Free Foreclosure Resources
Navigating the foreclosure process can be complex, overwhelming, and confusing. At Denbeaux & Denbeaux, we have a number of resources to help you better understand the complexities of foreclosures and your rights as a homeowner. Speaking with one of our experienced foreclosure or loan modification attorneys can help you understand how these resources apply to your specific case and what options are available to stop or postpone foreclosure on your home.

Download our guide on the New Jersey foreclosure process and strategies to stop or postpone foreclosure on your home as well as key information about how to protect your homeowner rights.

Learn the basics of the foreclosure process in New Jersey in this downloadable infographic that explains the process, timelines, and how your homeowner’s rights work in the process.

Questions about how foreclosure works and what your options are as a homeowner? Review frequently asked questions about the foreclosure process, bankruptcy, and loan modifications.