Foreclosure Guide 2024

*This guide is for informational purposes only, not for the purpose of providing legal advice. It is not a guarantee of a particular result. This guide should not be construed as an offer to provide legal services & your receipt & or review of this document does not create an attorney-client relationship. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.
By Denbeaux & Denbeaux
NJ Foreclosure Guide
This guide outlines the anticipated foreclosure process when you retain the attorneys at Denbeaux & Denbeaux for your foreclosure defense. This outline does not hold true in every case, nor are the suggested timelines guaranteed. Rather, we offer this information to hopefully provide some clarity as your case progresses.
New Jersey is a “judicial foreclosure” state – meaning all foreclosure actions must be prosecuted by attorneys before judges in the court system. This structure is intended to impose a level of due diligence on lenders & assure an accurate disposition on the merits of a lender’s claim. The result however, is a bloated legal field that incentivizes cutting corners and rushed, even if not prompt, resolutions.
The problem for many individuals is that the system is confusing, complicated, and overwhelming. The average homeowner is not a legal expert, nor do they truly have the resources to understand a growing and nuanced area of the law.
This is why a proper foreclosure defense is so important. The homeowner is the only person who understands their situation and truly cares about their home. Therefore they must be the one to stand up for their rights.
When you retain Denbeaux & Denbeaux, you are retaining a team of individuals as advocates for your cause.

Owner + Partner of Denbeaux & Denbeaux
When you retain Denbeaux & Denbeaux, you are retaining a team of individuals as advocates for your cause. In your foreclosure matter, that team is led by Joshua Denbeaux. Joshua will be primarily responsible for your case and will at all times be kept abreast of your litigation. Day to day, your case will be managed by one or more associate attorneys. Those attorneys will work together, with the assistance of our talented support staff, to advocate on your behalf.