Tips For Getting A Loan Modification

Before applying for a loan modification, it’s important that you’re aware of all of the different loan modification requirements. Even if you meet all of the requirements, it can still be difficult to get a loan modification approved. Before starting the process of trying to modify your loan, consider talking to an experienced loan modification lawyer.

Lending Violations During Mortgage Servicer Changes

Mortgage servicer changes occur more often than you may think. If you have a mortgage, this could happen to you at any point throughout the life of your loan. After a mortgage servicer change, issues with loan payments are more common than they should be. There are a variety of causes for issues in mortgage…

Is It Possible To Get A Mortgage After Bankruptcy?

If you’ve filed for bankruptcy or are considering filing for bankruptcy, you’re likely worried about your post-bankruptcy housing options. Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to get a mortgage again. In some circumstances, you may be able to reapply and be approved for a mortgage, even after bankruptcy.