As many of 94% do not answer a lawsuit related to foreclosure. The problem is people are scared and freeze up hoping the problem will go away. These people will lose their homes eventually because they didn’t even try, and they gave up.
Fear can do that to people…but it doesn’t have to be that way.
If you are threatened or worried about foreclosure we can help you. Our lawyers have been working with families to save their homes since the foreclosure crisis began. We have a simple three step approach so you can understand what your options are to take action. Many people are misinformed by the banks as to what their options are and where they are in the foreclosure process.

NJ Foreclosure Process
Step 1.
Let us help you recognize where you are in the foreclosure process. If you need to stop a sheriffs sale that is more urgent than if you are just going into default. The first step is to get the information about where the bank sees you in the foreclosure process and take the appropriate action. Call us or email us and tell us your foreclosure problem. We will get you information and set up a free evaluation and consult with you.
Step 2.
At our meeting we will assess with you your current needs and long-term goals. Whether you want to sue the bank or get a loan modification it all begins with setting goals. Do you need a loan modification? Do you think the bank committed fraud and want to sue them? Those are all actions depend on what you want. In our private one-one meeting we’ll discuss with you your goals and tell you what you can expect as the best outcome, and how long you can stay in your home. If you can keep your home you’ll know what steps to take. If we can’t help you we will say so upfront.
Step 3.
When you leave our meeting we will have developed a plan of action to deal with your bank and a strategy for moving forward. We can help you know how long you can stay in your home, and what action to take to under the present circumstances. If there was fraud in your situation we will find it and advise you whether bringing it to federal court is a possible strategy.
Whether or not you take action will be up to you. You will be in a better place having met with our attorneys armed with the knowledge and strategy of what you can do to save your home.