Does A Dispute Hurt Your Credit Score?

Having negative reports on your credit report can negatively impact your credit score. This can be an issue, especially if the negative reports are inaccurate. If you’ve successfully stopped a foreclosure, your credit report may even reflect a foreclosure that didn’t happen.  If you have incorrect reports on your credit report, you can dispute items…

Why Debt Consolidation Isn’t Always The Best Option

Debt consolidation is a commonly recommended solution to help solve debt issues by making payments more manageable and reducing interest. While debt consolidation can ease some of the stress and financial burden of debts, it might not be the best option for you, depending on your specific debt and financial situation. There are a lot…

What To Do If A Debt Collector Is Harassing You?

Dealing with debt collectors on top of debt can be stressful and scary, especially if the debt collectors are constantly calling you or saying or doing things that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Debt collectors have specific rules that they have to follow when it comes to how they contact you, how frequently, and…

No Surprises Act 2022 Update Ending Surprise Medical Bills

If you have health insurance and you received treatment at an emergency room that was billed to you as out of network you may have been scammed! As anyone who has been unlucky enough to have been injured or been sick and needed an ambulance, you later received a bill from an ambulance company. This…

How Much Does A Debt Collection Attorney Cost?

Being sued by a debt collector can be a difficult and nerve-wracking process. Working with a debt collection defense lawyer can help take the pressure off of you to make the process much easier and less stressful.  But hiring an attorney for debt defense comes with additional costs, so many people choose not to hire…

Fight Collection Agencies: What Debt Collection Attorneys Do

Are you someone that finds themself in an unfortunate situation of being sued for debt collection or receiving harassing calls from debt collectors? You can try and handle the lawsuit and collectors without any help, however, that can be really hard to do if you aren’t familiar with debt collection. Debt collection can be an…

Debt Collection: $14.5 Trillion Industry in 2019 and Growing

Debt Collection is $14.5 Trillion Industry as of 2019 and it’s growing. Laws protect consumers by regulating how businesses and consumers handle the credit and debit transaction business. That way both the company and the consumer get fair treatment. By understanding the laws, you are better able to protect yourself. For the consumer, laws work…